Thursday, March 14, 2013

Donuts Anyone?

Recently we took a trip over to San Jose for a little team bonding.  It was the first time that our team has been all together.  After playing at the park and driving around San Jose with our team mate and tour guide Thomas, we finally landed at a small local donut shop to debrief!  A good time was had by all, and I see this team being a prayerful and powerful force in the Bay Area!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Giving Birth

Church planters often times use the analogy of a "mother church" and a "daughter church".  We reference lots of comparisons to church planting within the context of this parental relationship.  As a mother I have related deeply to this connection and to the symbolism it embodies.  One of the most exciting things I've ever experienced in my life is the process of growing a child.  When you realize you are pregnant there is this sense of surrealism.  This stage lasts for a while even though there are subtle changes that all point to the reality of impending birth.  To the outside world you look the same.  The idea of motherhood only truly sank in when I felt the child move inside of me for the first time.  A flutter at first and then later nudges, and finally determined kicks and rolls (sometimes it felt like attempts at Kung Fu!).  This movement inside the womb, the indicator of life independent of myself, is what made me realize that I would indeed be a parent before too long!

This is how we feel about Basilea.  It has been a dream of our hearts for some time now.  We have desired it, and longed for it prayed earnestly that it would be God's will and even in the beginning stages it seemed surreal.  But now, though it may not be visible to anyone else, we feel movement and the dream is becoming reality!

This season of Advent (which means "coming") we pray God's richest blessings upon you and your family.  Pray with us that the coming of the Christ will happen more than just once a year.  That indeed the coming of Christ happens each and every day in the hearts of those who have not met Him yet.