Could it be possible that we are coming up on our one year anniversary of Discovery Lab?
One year ago on April 10th I was filled with so much anticipation it created butterflies in my stomach. We were building towards an unknown and asked you to partner with us in prayer and financial support.
Discovery Lab truly was a time of discovery for both Aaron and myself. We anticipated explaining to the team there that we were not quite ready to plant, that we needed some time to figure a few things out. The reality check came when they told us that they thought we were not quite ready to plant and needed to figure a few things out! They gave us some coaching, and we have thoughtfully put that coaching into practice over this past year.
We've prayerfully considered how God might use us in the world of Church planting. We've even been contacted by a few families telling us that they are praying for us. We've labored with our home congregation through a time of transition, providing some much needed stability during the absence of a full time preacher. And we've grown, a lot...but, I don't think we are ready yet.
One year ago on April 10th I was filled with so much anticipation it created butterflies in my stomach. We were building towards an unknown and asked you to partner with us in prayer and financial support.
Discovery Lab truly was a time of discovery for both Aaron and myself. We anticipated explaining to the team there that we were not quite ready to plant, that we needed some time to figure a few things out. The reality check came when they told us that they thought we were not quite ready to plant and needed to figure a few things out! They gave us some coaching, and we have thoughtfully put that coaching into practice over this past year.
We've prayerfully considered how God might use us in the world of Church planting. We've even been contacted by a few families telling us that they are praying for us. We've labored with our home congregation through a time of transition, providing some much needed stability during the absence of a full time preacher. And we've grown, a lot...but, I don't think we are ready yet.
What else is there to be done?
Oh dear friends, there is so much. When I think to the future of "church", I think about all the hurting people, and all those that have no idea how much love there is in store for them. I ache and long for the time to be right. Please pray for a people and a place to be prepared for us. Ask the Spirit to be working among those that He is anticipating. And then, if you would be so kind, could you ask Him to show us? We are seeking for His guidance knowing that in His perfect time and His perfect way we will be affirmed in when and where to plant.
And for now...pray for patience and preparation. (oh and did I mention patience?)